Monday, October 1, 2012

Avoid candy? Cows may not--and here I thought they ate grass!

You are what you eat, they say.   Do you think the same is true for cows?  Or at least a cow with a healthy diet is healthy?  And a human eating the beef from a healthy cow is healthy?  Well, today I read a couple reports about farmers mixing candy unfit for humans into their cows' feed (links below). Since the shelf-life of most candy and other mostly-sugar products is years, it makes you wonder what's wrong with them.  Even worse, some of the candy still has wrappers (I think I see some at 31 secs on the video I linked). 

This is just unbelievable!  Apparently,several farmers are doing this and have in the past.  A university professor of animal nutrition says the feed has all the right nutrients in it and one of the farmer says they are "healthy" and gaining weight (implying, therefore it's good!) Just think what kinds of things they might feed them that they don't admit on TV!  Glad I know the farmer that raises most our beef lets them eat grass.  Think I'll look for ways to cut out the occasional store beef despite climbing food costs.  May the Lord have mercy on us!

Article with video at the bottom:

Article with pictures of candy:

And here's an article about a second farmer:

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