Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Eating Out Survival Guide

How do you eat out (or even at someone's home)? Well, very carefully.

The main trick I have up my sleeve (or I should say in my purse) is my make-up bag with health stuff. I have a little glass bottle with an oil and vinegar dressing (homemade) in it. I have a mini salt shaker (designed for camping) with Real Salt in it. I have digestive enzyme capsules. And I have Hydracel, a product of RBC, which neutralized chlorine in water (since I usually order tap water) as well as makes it easier for the body to absorb.

I use my dressing from everything from salads to baked potatoes. I often order salads as they can be fairly healthy without the salad dressings. But avoid or at least limit the bread (or croutons or tortilla strips.) I can tell a tremendous difference in both health and feeling full from the meal if I strictly avoid white flour.

Two restaurants that I seem to be able to find good food are Jason's Deli and Cracker Barrel. Jason's Deli has organic lettuce, apples, and carrots on their salad bar. They also have whole grain crackers sweetened with agave and yummy hummus. I think it's MSG and hydrogenated oils that they completely took out of all their food. I also like places like Subway or one of the places that makes burritos b/c I can pick and choose what I want (and pile up the raw veggies), so I feel a bit more in control.

Cracker Barrel offers whole wheat sourdough bread. I'm sure it still has some white flour in it, but it is sourdough (which is like soaked grains!) And they have real maple syrup and will bring you olive oil and apple cider vinegar for a dressing. Definitely better than the average.

Other tricks include: drinking Kombucha or an Apple Cider Vinegar drink before going to aid digestion; eating extra healthy at home before and after the digestive system can handle a bit of stress; and remember to limit my food (since I never seem to get full on non-tradition foods.)

Choose food that's better from what you are offered or what's on the menu. Raw food is great. Vegetables are good. Avoid the dairy (b/c it's not raw)and breads (unless whole grain). Go light on the meats. Less processed food is good--look for whole foods instead of likely processed foods. Don't be afraid to ask for things like real butter or honey or olive oil, even if they don't seem to go with your meal (especially at a restaurant). And enjoy the atmosphere and the company! Unless you are ill, it probably won't matter if you eat "bad" food occasionally. It's your habits that matter.

1 comment:

mideastmom said...

Ooo, I like this. Can you remind me all of these things when we hit the ground next year? :-P